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Troubleshooting Tips for When Your Roomba Won’t Charge

If you’ve recently purchased a Roomba, you may have found yourself facing the dreaded issue of a Roomba that won’t charge.

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It can be a frustrating experience to try and get your Roomba up and running again after it has stopped charging, but luckily there are a few simple troubleshooting tips that you can try in order to get it running again.

In this article, we’ll be discussing these troubleshooting tips and how you can use them to get your Roomba charging again. We’ll walk through the steps needed to find the source of the issue and how to resolve it quickly and efficiently.

We’ll also provide some helpful advice to ensure your Roomba continues to stay in tip-top shape for years to come. So, if you’re having trouble with your Roomba not charging, continue reading to find out how you can get it back up and running in no time.

Key points in this article

  • If your Roomba is not charging, common reasons include using the incorrect charger, a faulty Roomba, or a clogged charging dock.
  • To troubleshoot, first confirm that the charging dock is clean and clear of debris. Use a dry cloth or small brush to remove any debris.
  • Check that the Roomba is clean and the charging dock is not clogged with dust and debris.
  • Make sure the Roomba is properly aligned with the charging dock and that the charging pins are making contact.
  • If none of these troubleshooting steps resolve the issue, it may be a problem with the battery or charging dock, in which case it is best to contact customer service for further assistance.
  • To prevent charging issues in the future, keep the Roomba and charging dock clean, and make sure to charge the Roomba regularly.

Common Reasons Your Roomba Won’t Charge

There are a few reasons why your Roomba might not be charging, so before we jump into the troubleshooting tips, let’s outline the most common reasons why this may be happening.

First, you’ll want to make sure that you’re charging your Roomba with the correct charger. The Roomba comes with a charger that plugs directly into the wall outlet. It’s important to charge the Roomba with the correct charger.

If you try to charge it with the wrong charger, you could damage the charging dock and, in turn, the battery. If you’re certain you are charging the Roomba with the correct charger but it’s still not charging, you may have a faulty Roomba.

Unfortunately, this is the most common reason for a Roomba not charging. If you’ve recently been using your Roomba and it’s suddenly stopped charging, there’s a chance that it’s just broken.

When a Roomba breaks, it’s often due to a faulty charging dock or a broken battery. If you notice your Roomba isn’t charging, it’s best to contact customer services straight away to get a new one and avoid the troubleshooting process.

Troubleshooting Tips for When Your Roomba Won’t Charge

If you’ve determined that your Roomba isn’t charging because it’s broken, the best advice we can give you is to contact customer services right away to get a new one.

However, if you’ve determined that your Roomba isn’t charging because of an issue you can troubleshoot, here are some tips to help you get it charging again.

Confirm the Charging Dock Is Clean – The charging dock comes with a small rubber flap that flips out and sits on top of the dock when you’re charging your Roomba. This rubber flap can become clogged over time with dirt and debris.

If this happens, it can cause the charger to become obstructed, which will then prevent the Roomba from charging. You can use a dry cloth to clean the charging dock and remove any debris clogging the charger.

You may want to use a small, soft brush if there is a lot of dust or dirt clogging the charger. After cleaning the charging dock, plug the charger into the wall outlet and try charging your Roomba again.

Cleaning Your Roomba

If your Roomba won’t charge, the first thing you should do is clean it. While most people assume dirt and debris are the biggest culprits when it comes to charging issues, they aren’t always the source of the problem. A common issue that causes Roombas to stop charging is clogged charging docks.

If debris is clogging the charging dock, it may prevent the Roomba from charging properly. If you’ve recently been using your Roomba and it’s stopped charging, the first thing you should do is clean it.

While the Roomba does have HEPA filters that help to remove most of the dust and debris from the air it filters, it won’t catch everything. If you’ve been cleaning your home with a broom or a vacuum that isn’t very efficient at collecting dust and debris, the Roomba will suck all of that dust and debris into its filter, which will then cause the charging dock to become clogged.

The only way to prevent clogging is to clean your Roomba regularly.

Checking the Charging Port and Battery

After you’ve cleaned your Roomba, you may want to check the charging port and battery, to make sure there are no foreign objects interfering with them. If you notice anything lodged in the charging port or battery, remove it.

Doing this will ensure that the Roomba is able to charge normally. After cleaning the charging port and battery, plug the charger back into the wall outlet and try charging your Roomba again. If it still won’t charge, you may want to check the battery.

For most modern Roombas, the battery will be located inside the bottom casing. To check the battery, remove the bottom casing and look for the battery. If you notice anything abnormal about the battery, such as corrosion, or there is a cut in the wiring, you’ll want to replace it.

You can find replacement batteries online. After checking the charging port, and battery, and cleaning the charging dock, plug the charger back into the wall outlet and try charging your Roomba again.

Resetting Your Roomba

If your Roomba still doesn’t charge, you may want to try resetting it. Resetting your Roomba will clear all of the settings, including the charging settings. This may cause your Roomba to automatically reset to the factory settings, but it will clear any issues that may be causing it to not charge properly.

After resetting your Roomba, plug the charger back into the wall outlet and try charging your Roomba again. If it still won’t charge, you may want to consult the troubleshooting guide that came with your Roomba. The guide will provide troubleshooting steps for when your Roomba won’t charge.

Replacing the Battery

If your Roomba won’t charge and you’ve tried all of the troubleshooting tips, the next thing you should do is replace the battery.

Most modern Roombas come with replaceable batteries. The battery is normally located in the bottom casing of the Roomba.

After removing the bottom casing, you’ll want to disconnect the old battery and connect the new battery. Once you’ve connected the new battery, you’ll want to try charging your Roomba again.

If it still won’t charge, you may want to check the charging port, clean the charging dock, and reset your Roomba. However, if your Roomba still won’t charge after replacing the battery, it may be broken and you’ll want to contact customer services to get a new one.


In conclusion, the best way to ensure your Roomba runs properly is to keep it clean, reset it and check the power outlets. If those steps do not work, you may need to reseat or replace the battery, clean the docking station, reposition the battery, or factory reset the Roomba.

If none of these solutions work, you may need to contact customer support or even claim the warranty to get it fixed.

Author: Morten Pradsgaard

As a tech enthusiast and creative individual, my blog Living Smarter offers tips on tech, name ideas, and gaming. I collaborate with companies and individuals to share expertise in various genres and platforms.

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