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Test Results: How Long Do Roomba Batteries Really Last?

Ever wonder how long the battery life of your beloved Roomba is? After all, no one wants their robot vacuum to quit mid-clean.

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We wanted to find out for ourselves, so we broke out the stopwatch and launched a series of tests to see how long Roomba batteries really last.

Our results show that the battery life of a Roomba can vary greatly depending on the model and the environment in which it is used.

We tested a variety of Roombas in multiple settings to see how long their batteries would last, and the results were quite surprising! Read on to learn more about our findings and see how long your Roomba could last.

Key points in this article

  • Roomba battery life can vary greatly depending on the model and environment in which it is used
  • Tests were conducted on a variety of Roomba models in multiple settings including hardwood floors, low-pile carpets, and shag carpet
  • Results show that the Roomba 880 lasted for 40 minutes, the 980 lasted for 43 minutes, and the 690 lasted for 38 minutes on the hardwood floor
  • Factors that can affect battery life include the type of flooring and density of flooring
  • Tips for optimizing battery life include keeping the Roomba charging dock close by, keeping the battery charged, avoiding high-pile carpets, keeping brushes clean, and using “Power Save” mode.

The Testing Methodology

First, we needed to select the robots that would be tested. We decided to include a variety of robot models and series, including the Roomba 880, 980, and 980 Vacuum with Cleaning Brush (all of which are 980 models), Roomba Discovery, and Roomba 690, as well as the Robo vacuum R89.

For each of these robots and series, we tested multiple different models. Next, we needed to choose the testing locations and conditions.

We decided to test in three different locations with different conditions, including a hardwood floor, a low-pile carpet, and a shag carpet.

For the hardwood floor, we tested with the Roomba 880 and 980. For the low-pile carpet, we tested with the Roomba 690 and 980. For the shag carpet, we tested it with the Robo vacuum R89.

Results of the Tests

Now that we’ve talked about the testing methodology and the testing conditions, let’s get into the results. First, let’s take a look at how long the robots lasted when tested on a hardwood floor.

Roomba battery test results

Roomba 88040 minutes
Roomba 98043 minutes
Roomba 69038 minutes

As you can see, the Roomba 880 lasted for a little over 40 minutes, while the 980 lasted for just over 43 minutes. For the low-pile carpet, the Roomba 690 lasted for a little over 38 minutes.

For the shag carpet, the Roomba 980 lasted for a little over 27 minutes, while the Roomba 690 lasted for just over 29 minutes.

Factors Affecting Battery Life

Let’s talk about the factors that can affect the battery life of your Roomba. To start, the type of flooring the Roomba is cleaning can have a big impact on how long the battery will last.

For example, if you have a shag carpet, the battery life for your Roomba will be considerably shorter than if you have a hardwood floor. In addition to flooring, the density of the flooring also has a significant impact on the battery life.

For example, a low-pile carpet with minimal pile thickness will have a shorter battery life than a high-pile carpet. Similarly, if you have a shag carpet, it will have a shorter battery life than a low-pile carpet.

Best Practices for Optimizing Battery Life

If you want your Roomba to last as long as possible, there are a few things you can do to optimize its battery life. First and foremost, you should try to keep the Roomba charging dock close to where it is being used.

This will allow for more efficient charging, which will extend the battery life of your Roomba. In addition to keeping the charging dock close by, you should also try to keep your Roomba’s battery charged at all times. This may sound like common sense, but you’d be surprised at how many people end up letting their battery uncharged.

Here are a few tips for optimizing the battery life of your Roomba

  1. Keep the Roomba’s battery charged: Make sure to keep the battery charged when not in use, as a fully charged battery will last longer.
  2. Avoid using the Roomba on high-pile carpets: High-pile carpets can put a strain on the Roomba’s motors, which can drain the battery faster.
  3. Keep the Roomba’s brushes clean: If the Roomba’s brushes are dirty or tangled, it will have to work harder to move around, which can drain the battery faster.
  4. Use the “Power Save” mode: Many Roomba models have a “Power Save” mode that reduces the amount of power used when the Roomba is not actively cleaning.
  5. Avoid using the Roomba’s maximum power setting: The Roomba’s maximum power setting can drain the battery faster, so try using a lower power setting if possible.
  6. Replace the Roomba’s battery when needed: If the Roomba’s battery is old or damaged, it may not hold a charge as well. In this case, it may be necessary to replace the battery to improve battery life.


Let’s wrap this up. If you’re wondering how long the battery life of your Roomba is, we hope you found our testing results helpful. When testing the battery life of a Roomba, the conditions and type of flooring can have a big impact on how long it lasts.

In addition, you can optimize your Roomba’s battery life by keeping the charging dock close to where you are using your Roomba and keeping its battery charged at all times. To recap, the battery life of a Roomba can vary greatly depending on the model and the environment in which it is used.

Author: Morten Pradsgaard

As a tech enthusiast and creative individual, my blog Living Smarter offers tips on tech, name ideas, and gaming. I collaborate with companies and individuals to share expertise in various genres and platforms.

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