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Does a Roomba Need Light? The Answer May Surprise You

Are you surprised that a Roomba vacuum needs light? A Roomba doesn’t seem like a very visual machine. After all, it doesn’t have eyes or sees anything. However, the Roomba does need light for some crucial functions.

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And the answer to whether a Roomba needs light may not be as obvious as you think. It turns out that the light helps with navigation and cleaning performance.

But the type of light and how much of it matters when using your robot vacuum. This article will explain why a Roomba needs light and what type of lighting is best for your vacuum robot.

Roomba Doesn’t Have Eyes – So It Needs Light

The Roomba doesn’t have eyes, but it does have sensors that detect light. These sensors help the Roomba navigate and clean your floor. More importantly, they tell the Roomba where it is about your home. As we’ll see below, one of the most important uses for light is navigation. The sensors on the Roomba can sense light.

This helps it know whether it is going forward or backward. It also helps the Roomba determine what side it is on. This is important because the Roomba needs to know where it is about your walls and furniture. Otherwise, it could bump into something and get stuck.

The sensors are also able to detect how much light there is. This helps the Roomba determine whether it is daytime or nighttime.

My personal take from having a Roomba I9

My Roomba I9 has no issues with cleaning in dimmed conditions. Do you need some light, but it’s surprisingly good at cleaning in low-light conditions.

If you want to try and run your Roomba in the evening or with some lights turned off, it’s important that you’ve had it run successfully a few times beforehand. To run successfully in a dimmed room it needs to have a good map and no obstructions.

It will most likely fail if you have small stuff laying around, especially if the small stuff is non-reflective like clothing. This is because light will not bounce easily off the material and most likely not hit the sensors.

I urge you to try it out and find the limit yourself. In my experience, the Roomba can clean from the light of a bright moon.

Roomba Uses Light to Navigate

As we’ve already discussed, the sensors on the Roomba can sense light. These sensors consist of two sensors. One sensor is called an anemometer. This detects the intensity of light. The other sensor detects visible light. This light sensor allows the Roomba to determine where it is about your walls.

If the Roomba is going forward, the sensors will detect more light. If it is going backward, there is less light. Similarly, if the Roomba is on the left side of the room, the sensors will detect less light.

If the Roomba is on the right side of the room, the sensors will detect more light. The sensors also allow the Roomba to determine if it is on a smooth surface like a hardwood floor or a soft surface like a rug. It does this by sensing how much light is reflected.

Roomba also needs light to see and recognize the dirt

The sensors on the Roomba are also able to sense visible light. This allows the Roomba to recognize dirt and debris on your floor. As we’ve already discussed, the sensors on the Roomba allow it to navigate your home. In addition to this, the sensors also allow the Roomba to recognize dirt and debris on your floor.

This is important because the sensors help the Roomba “see” the dirt on your floor. Once it recognizes the dirt, the Roomba is better able to clean your floor.

There are other sensors in the Roomba that act as cameras. These sensors allow the Roomba to recognize dirt and debris. They also allow the vacuum to know where it has been cleaned and where it needs to go next.

Which type of light is most important for a Roomba?

As we’ve seen, the sensors on the Roomba can sense different types of light. This allows the robot to navigate your home and recognize dirt. Of the three types of light sensed by the sensors, visible light is the most important type for the Roomba.

This is because the sensors can discern the type of light. The sensors are also able to sense ultraviolet light and infrared light. However, they are unable to discern the type of ultraviolet light and infrared light. Therefore, neither source of light is more important than the other.


As we’ve seen, a Roomba needs light for some crucial functions. The sensors on the Roomba can sense visible light. This light helps the Roomba navigate your home and recognize dirt. The sensors also allow the Roomba to determine whether it is daytime or nighttime.

And they allow the robot to know where it is about your walls. The sensors are also able to sense ultraviolet light and infrared light. However, they do not discern the type of light. Therefore, neither source of light is more important than the other.

The best lighting for your Roomba is light that illuminates dark spots and corners of your room. It also needs to be bright enough to allow the sensors to determine the type of light source. This will help your Roomba navigate and clean your floor more efficiently.

Author: Morten Pradsgaard

As a tech enthusiast and creative individual, my blog Living Smarter offers tips on tech, name ideas, and gaming. I collaborate with companies and individuals to share expertise in various genres and platforms.

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