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The 300+ Best Funny and Catchy Names for NFT

Finding the right name for your new NFT or Non-fungible token can be hard. It’s not every day the creative mind takes over and just one-shots the perfect name for your new NFT. I’m here to help, and I’ve created a list for you below to give you some inspiration or even the perfect name for you to copy and paste.

Table of Contents+

List of the Best Funny Names for NFTs

  1. CryptoCats – A play on the popular game, CryptoKitties, this name is perfect for NFTs that feature cats.
  2. NiftyNames – This name is simple and catchy, making it perfect for NFTs of any kind.
  3. PixelPals – If your NFT features pixel art, PixelPals is the perfect name for it.
  4. EtherBots – A nod to the popular game, Ethermon, EtherBots is perfect for NFTs that feature robots.
  5. BlockBuddies – This name is great for NFTs that represent friendship or companionship.
  6. FunkyFinance – A catchy name for NFTs that relate to finance or investing.
  7. CryptoCritters – Similar to CryptoCats, this name is great for NFTs that feature animals.
  8. NFTopia – A play on the word utopia, this name is perfect for NFTs that represent a perfect world or concept.
  9. CryptoCompanions – Another name for NFTs that represent friendship or companionship.
  10. PopCulturePixels – A great name for NFTs that feature pixel art of pop culture icons.

List of Funny and Catchy Names for NFTs

  1. Beeple’s HUMAN ONE
  2. Everydays: the First 5000 Days
  3. Pak’s The Merge
  4. CryptoPunk #7804
  5. Beeple’s Ocean Front
  6. XCopy’s A Coin for the Ferryman
  7. Beeple’s Crossroad
  8. XCOPY – Right-click and Save As guy
  9. Ringers by Dmitri Cherniak
  10. Opening Night
  11. Genesis
  12. Gale Crater
  13. Santa Claws
  14. The Pawfect Mystery Box
  15. The 24/7 Trader
  16. Valles Marineris
  17. The Moon Boi
  18. Snoop Dogge Coins
  19. The Party God
  20. The Elf
  21. Diamong Joint
  22. Daredevil DOGE
  23. VVS Triple Treat
  24. Planet ADA
  25. Demole-ition Expert
  26. The Space Scout
  27. Gold Rush Gary
  28. Supersonic CRO
  29. Arturo Ripple
  30. Rapid Mole-tiplier
  31. Pablo Etherbar
  32. The Hipster Shib
  33. The Scary Shib
  34. Loaded Lion
  35. Swanky Stripes
  36. Azuki
  37. Clone X
  38. Bored Ape
  39. Doodles
  40. FishyFam

List of Funny Random Names for NFT

  1. unarmed four
  2. rabid future
  3. hideous handsomely
  4. maniacal cold
  5. sharp frightened
  6. complex sturdy
  7. complete warm
  8. harsh zany
  9. panicky elfin
  10. addicted miniature
  11. tightfisted shallow
  12. alleged bawdy
  13. hard spotted
  14. teeny-tiny highfalutin
  15. spotted keen
  16. blue-eyed trite
  17. agonizing troubled
  18. adorable rambunctious
  19. brash hospitable
  20. intelligent jealous
  21. violet selfish
  22. zealous halting
  23. rich immediate
  24. flowery angry
  25. internal fortunate
  26. guiltless stingy
  27. imperfect strange
  28. wide-eyed grouchy
  29. careless wanting
  30. mad straight
  31. good ordinary
  32. ten open
  33. repulsive zesty
  34. redundant tiresome
  35. broad frantic
  36. anxious slim
  37. informal picayune
  38. spotless jagged
  39. scintillating foreign
  40. unadvised present
  41. wistful curly
  42. lucky terrific
  43. gigantic crazy
  44. numerous shut
  45. frail earsplitting
  46. heavy quarrelsome
  47. overrated lame
  48. fretful moldy
  49. scary husky
  50. stormy necessary
  51. real chubby
  52. statuesque learned
  53. volatile foregoing
  54. dreary grubby
  55. undesirable abounding
  56. zesty demonic
  57. cooperative messy
  58. hysterical makeshift
  59. vivacious second-hand
  60. rightful fortunate
  61. tough whimsical
  62. sloppy nonchalant
  63. brave acceptable
  64. shaggy amazing
  65. better tidy
  66. heavy sable
  67. wary kind
  68. illustrious pathetic
  69. hulking macho
  70. married knowing
  71. previous rapid
  72. instinctive overrated
  73. clean amuck
  74. feeble psychological
  75. unequaled ruthless
  76. hilarious incredible
  77. versed tasty
  78. oval synonymous
  79. bumpy lucky
  80. murky woozy
  81. materialistic jittery
  82. cruel sedate
  83. breezy expensive
  84. stale stupendous
  85. jealous paltry
  86. pointless inexpensive
  87. painstaking courageous
  88. neat long
  89. sleepy ablaze
  90. shaky severe
  91. oafish addicted
  92. disastrous pure
  93. nice straight
  94. amusing unkempt
  95. sophisticated minor
  96. unsuitable gruesome
  97. magenta panicky
  98. solid defeated
  99. fancy dead
  100. lazy uneven
  101. mammoth black
  102. dull sad
  103. bloody loutish
  104. acrid threatening
  105. suspicious furry
  106. strong environmental
  107. spiky learned
  108. military slippery
  109. determined silky
  110. remarkable inconclusive
  111. every full
  112. discreet vulgar
  113. confident civil
  114. repulsive wandering
  115. selfish jolly
  116. standing glorious
  117. impolite womanly
  118. brainy loose
  119. bumpy obtainable
  120. relevant efficacious
  121. yellow homeless
  122. brief terrific
  123. real hideous
  124. truculent hungry
  125. ugly disillusioned
  126. condemned recent
  127. freezing hot
  128. fragile skinny
  129. precious assorted
  130. ludicrous important
  131. shrill bumpy
  132. ambitious hissing
  133. entertaining laughable
  134. wrathful halting
  135. full scintillating
  136. psychotic neighborly
  137. apathetic dangerous
  138. workable impressive
  139. abundant aspiring
  140. threatening delirious
  141. descriptive overjoyed
  142. far used
  143. bustling craven
  144. noisy kaput
  145. necessary hard
  146. young bored
  147. windy painstaking
  148. alcoholic traditional
  149. plant weak
  150. tasty grotesque
  151. marked rotten
  152. adjoining plastic
  153. smooth scared
  154. hospitable bewildered
  155. spectacular womanly
  156. addicted serious
  157. ill shy
  158. unsightly nebulous
  159. harsh spurious
  160. hanging acid
  161. groovy green
  162. solid measly
  163. robust decisive
  164. creepy auspicious
  165. loving succinct
  166. thankful several
  167. defective fierce
  168. jolly next
  169. TRUE breezy
  170. gabby learned
  171. deep strong
  172. overrated pushy
  173. real frantic
  174. supreme mixed
  175. loose high
  176. selfish warm
  177. scattered handsome
  178. civil distinct
  179. needy global
  180. consistent warlike
  181. purring painful
  182. stupendous didactic
  183. fresh grandiose
  184. brawny imported
  185. faint waggish
  186. cultured profuse
  187. versed fancy
  188. obsolete glamorous
  189. maddening smart
  190. mellow brash
  191. tranquil physical
  192. sturdy black
  193. entertaining high-pitched
  194. alert marvelous
  195. hateful panicky
  196. workable nice
  197. wanting unsuitable
  198. sick icy
  199. fumbling sable
  200. automatic moaning
  201. old-fashioned delightful
  202. soggy lethal
  203. enchanting ordinary
  204. unnatural excellent
  205. fresh southern
  206. aberrant roasted
  207. better two
  208. secret interesting
  209. stingy unsuitable
  210. real rebel
  211. five jazzy
  212. functional drunk
  213. bite-sized administrative
  214. asleep fair
  215. abnormal recondite
  216. calm staking
  217. deranged cold
  218. tangy tight
  219. kindhearted half
  220. lazy terrible
  221. jobless awesome
  222. puny upset
  223. confused successfully
  224. burly crooked
  225. ruthless jagged
  226. freezing comprehensive
  227. complex silly
  228. practical well-off
  229. didactic knowledgeable
  230. woozy acidic
  231. big tenuous
  232. possible courageous
  233. glib various
  234. useful skinny
  235. dysfunctional spooky
  236. whole heavy
  237. sudden red
  238. noxious better
  239. abounding necessary
  240. damp jealous
  241. wrathful impressive
  242. late didactic
  243. descriptive material
  244. successfully futuristic
  245. lacking scintillating
  246. maddening thin
  247. tawdry alive
  248. yummy dark
  249. well-made dynamic
  250. ugly disturbed

Finding the perfect name for your NFT

Finding the perfect name will be hard and maybe tedious if you aren’t lucky and find any in the list above.
What makes it even hard is, that a lot of the really clever and funny names are already being taken. Thousands of new NFT’s are being made and sold every day, so it’ll continue getting harder.

Down below I have a few ideas for you to generate your own ideas for your NFT.

Try deliberately spelling wrong

Try to take a commonly used word and spell it differently or deliberately wrong to make it funny or just eye-catching. For example, Cloud could be Klout, Lift could be Lyft or Goggles could be Fuggles.

Cut the word or shorten it

What if Facebook was named FaeBok or Twitter was named Twtr, you can almost still read it normally, but it looks totally different.

Using the good old 1337 speak

Leet or 1337 speak, is a system or spellings used most commonly on the internet, where you basically just replace certain letters with numbers to still make it look the same. So for example a CAR would be a C4R or SMOKE could be SM0K3.

This idea, maybe even combined with shortening a word, could make some very interesting and funny NFT names.

Author: Morten Pradsgaard

As a tech enthusiast and creative individual, my blog Living Smarter offers tips on tech, name ideas, and gaming. I collaborate with companies and individuals to share expertise in various genres and platforms.

About the author.