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How to Winterize Your Robot Lawn Mower: A Guide

Don’t let the winter weather ruin your robot lawn mower. Learn how to winterize your robot lawn mower with this comprehensive guide and keep your lawn mower running smoothly for years to come.

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Winter can be harsh on your outdoor equipment, especially your robot lawn mower. As the temperatures drop and snow begins to fall, it’s important to take the necessary steps to winterize your robot lawn mower to ensure that it continues to function properly when spring arrives. In this article, we’ll provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to winterize your robot lawn mower, so you can keep your lawn looking great all year round.

How to Winterize Your Robot Lawn Mower

Step 1: Clean Your Robot Lawn Mower

Before you store your robot lawn mower for the winter, it’s important to clean it thoroughly. Follow these steps:

Remove Debris

First, remove any debris from the robot lawn mower, including grass clippings, leaves, and other debris. You can use a leaf blower or a soft-bristled brush to remove the debris.

Clean the Blades

Next, clean the blades of the robot lawn mower with a brush or a cloth. Make sure to remove any grass or debris that has accumulated on the blades.

Clean the Undercarriage

Finally, clean the undercarriage of the robot lawn mower. This is where the blades are located, so make sure to clean it thoroughly to prevent any rust or corrosion.

Step 2: Drain the Fuel

Next, you’ll want to drain the fuel from your robot lawn mower to prevent any damage to the engine during storage.

Turn Off the Mower

First, turn off the robot lawn mower and remove the battery.

Drain the Fuel

Next, remove the fuel cap and drain the fuel into a container. You can either use the fuel for another piece of equipment or dispose of it properly.

Store Your Robot Lawn Mower

After you’ve cleaned your robot lawn mower and drained the fuel, it’s time to store it for the winter.

Store in a Dry Place

Store your robot lawn mower in a dry place, such as a garage or shed. Make sure it’s not exposed to any moisture, as this can cause rust and other damage.

Cover Your Robot Lawn Mower

Finally, cover your robot lawn mower with a protective cover to prevent any dust or debris from accumulating on it.


Should I store my robot lawn mower indoors or outdoors during the winter?

It’s best to store your robot lawn mower indoors in a dry place, such as a garage or shed.

How often should I winterize my robot lawn mower?

You should winterize your robot lawn mower at the end of the mowing season, before the winter weather sets in.

Do I need to drain the oil from my robot lawn mower?

It’s not necessary to drain the oil from your robot lawn mower, but you should check the oil level and top it off if needed.


Winterizing your robot lawn mower is an important step in maintaining its longevity and functionality. By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your robot lawn mower is ready to go when spring arrives, and that it continues to keep your lawn looking great for years to come. Don’t let the winter weather ruin your robot lawn mower – take the time to winterize it properly and enjoy a beautiful lawn year-round.

Author: Morten Pradsgaard

As a tech enthusiast and creative individual, my blog Living Smarter offers tips on tech, name ideas, and gaming. I collaborate with companies and individuals to share expertise in various genres and platforms.

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