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4 Tips When Finding the Right Name for Your Character

Creating interesting and unique character names can be a challenge for any writer. Whether you’re working on a novel, screenplay, video game, or any other type of project requiring characters, coming up with the perfect name for each one can be daunting.

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You can take several different approaches when brainstorming names for your characters. In this blog post, we’ll explore a few of the most popular methods and offer some helpful tips for coming up with the perfect name ideas for each of your characters.

1. Use Real-Life Names as Inspiration

One popular method for creating character names is to use real-life names as inspiration. This can be especially helpful if you’re looking for familiar name ideas that are easy to pronounce and spell. To find inspiration, you can simply look through baby name books or search online for lists of popular names.

2. Base Them on Their Personality

Another method is to base your character’s name on their personality or physical characteristics. For example, if your character is fiery and impulsive, you could give them a name that reflects that, such as “Phoenix” or “Sparks.” Or, if your character is tall and slender, you could give them a name that reflects that, such as “Willow” or “Slim.”

You could also try using a name that has a meaning that you think fits your character. For example, if your character is brave and heroic, you could give them a name that means “warrior” or “defender.” Or, if your character is kind and caring, you could provide them with a name that means “gentle” or “loving.”

Additionally, you could simply choose a name that you think sounds good or that you like the meaning of. Ultimately, the most important thing is choosing a name that you think fits your character and that you want.

3. Use Surnames

Surnames as first names is a trend that is becoming more and more popular. It is a great way to come up with unique names that stand out.

Another thing to consider is whether the surname has any negative connotations. You don’t want to give your character a name that could be associated with criminal activity or other negative stereotypes.

4. Get Inspiration from Inanimate Objects or Even Locations

The best way to come up with ideas for character names is to look for inspiration in the world around you. Think about the places you’ve been, the things you’ve seen, and the people you’ve met. These can all be great sources of inspiration for character names.

Another great way to find inspiration for character names is to look at the names of objects around you. For example, you could name a character after a type of flower, a piece of jewelry, or a weapon.

Finally, don’t be afraid to get creative with your character names. If you can’t find any inspiration in the world around you, try looking to other sources, such as books, movies, or television shows.


No matter your chosen method, there are a few things to remember when brainstorming character name ideas. The most important thing is to choose a name that fits the character and the story you are trying to tell. With these tips in mind, you’ll be well on coming up with the perfect name for each character.

If you’re looking for more name ideas for your character, check us out at Living Smarter. We focus on things that can give you inspiration and helpful insights for your everyday life. Visit our website today!

Author: Morten Pradsgaard

As a tech enthusiast and creative individual, my blog Living Smarter offers tips on tech, name ideas, and gaming. I collaborate with companies and individuals to share expertise in various genres and platforms.

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