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Key Ways to Make Your Online Username Better: A Guide

Having an interesting and unique username is key to creating a successful gaming profile. It helps to identify you and make you stand out from the crowd. Unfortunately, many gamers have usernames that are not only unoriginal but also unattractive. If you want to make your game username less sucky, there are several tips and tricks you can use.

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1 – Get Creative!

First and foremost, choose a username that is creative and original. Avoid using common words or phrases that could easily be mistaken for someone else’s username. Additionally, consider adding numbers or symbols to your game username if it’s available. For example, if your desired username is taken, try adding a number or special symbol at the end.

2 – Avoid Using Profanity

Second, avoid using offensive language or profanity in your game username. Not only is this inappropriate, but it will also make you seem unprofessional and immature.

3 – Do Your Research

Third, take some time to research other usernames to get some ideas. Look at what other gamers are using and see if any of their usernames catch your eye.

4 – Don’t Complicate Things

If you are playing online, try to use a username that is not too long or complicated. Long usernames can be difficult to remember and type, so it’s best to keep it simple.

5 – Mind Your Spelling 

When choosing a username, it’s important to make sure your spelling is correct. Typos can lead to misunderstanding or confusion, so always double-check your work. It’s also helpful to use words that are easy to spell so that other players can easily recognize and remember your username.

6 – Choose Your Words

Additionally, be mindful of the words you use in your username. Some words may be misinterpreted or seen as offensive, so make sure to choose a username that is appropriate for the game you are playing.

7 – Choose a Unique Name

If you are playing with other people, make sure your username is not already taken. It’s best to come up with something unique to make sure you stand out from the crowd.

8 – Don’t Randomly Insert Capital Letters

Avoid randomly inserting capital letters into your username. This can be seen as unprofessional and may be confusing to other players. Stick to using lowercase letters and numbers to ensure your username is easy to read.

9 – Don’t Sound Like a Fanboy or Fangirl

Try to avoid sounding like a fanboy or fangirl when creating your username. Coming up with a username that reflects your interests is fine, but avoid making it overly obvious or cheesy.

10 – Have Fun With It!

Remember that creating your username is meant to be fun! Get creative and come up with something that you like and that you think would be a great username. Have fun with it!


In short, creating a good game username can be tough, but it doesn’t have to be. There are many ways to create a unique and memorable game username. Consider adding numbers, symbols, and special characters to make your username stand out from the crowd. 

Alternatively, you can use something from your favorite movie or TV show, or combine two words to make something unique. Whatever you decide to do, make sure your username is something you’re proud of and that you won’t regret in the future. With a little creativity, you can have a great game username in no time.

If you need help creating game usernames, let Living Smarter help you. We will make your life easier with technology!

Author: Morten Pradsgaard

As a tech enthusiast and creative individual, my blog Living Smarter offers tips on tech, name ideas, and gaming. I collaborate with companies and individuals to share expertise in various genres and platforms.

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